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Department of Medicine Annual Research Day

NOTE: Only use this form if you are part of the MSRP (Medical Student Research Program).

MSRP Abstract Submission Form

* - Required Field

Abstract Presenter Name*
Is the Abstract Presenter also the 1st Author?*
Name of Faculty Mentor*
Faculty Mentor UMMC email address*
Please list the department, division, or school your research is associated with:*
MSRP Academic Rank*
Primary Research Area*
Secondary Research Area*
Abstract Title*
Author(s) Name(s), Institutional Affiliation, UMMC Departmental/Divisional Affiliation(s).*
Summary Statement*

Provide a 25-word summary of the research with key points highlighted, providing a basis for discussion and interaction.
Abstract Text*

Word limit is 250 words.

For Basic, Translational, Clinical, and Population abstracts, include the following headings: Introduction, Methods, Results, and Conclusion. For Vignettes/Case Reports, include the following headings: Introduction, Case Description, and Discussion.
Upload complete Abstract in MS Word format.*
*.txt,*.doc,*.docx,*.xls,*.xlsx,*.pdf, *.gif,*.jpg,*.jpeg,*.bmp,*.png,*.tif,*.tiff
Abstract Presenter UMMC Email Address*
(confirmation email and all communication will go to this email address)
Abstract Presenter Phone Number() - ext.